
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Theology Mission Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theology Mission - Term Paper Example Its meaning can be derived from the Greek words Theos, which means God, and Logos, which means the study of a certain subject. As a result, many theologians have used many forms of analysis and also historical, philosophical, spiritual and ethnographic arguments in attempts to understand and explain any topic on religion. It helps the theologians to better understand his or her religious tradition, as well as other people’s religions; make a comparison between two or more religious traditions; defend, or even try to justify a religious tradition among others. Theology then can be used by theologians to understand the religion and, hence, this leads to our second definition of religion. Religion according to Harper means a collection of beliefs, cultural systems and the worldviews to establish symbols in relation to humanity and spirituality. It is by these symbols that man tries to give meaning to life or even try to explain the origins of life and the universe. So, religious tendency to understand human life can be attributed to faith or belief1. In the development of religion, it can be seen to have taken different cultures whereby some religion has placed an emphasis on belief while others have placed their emphasis on practice. Religion has also been associated with public institutions like it can be seen in hospitals, schools, governments, political hierarchies and families among others. So, religion in this case can be mitigate problems of human life2 Relevant Old Testament and New Testament related to missions The whole concept of mission is related to the mission of God. This began with God’s creation. God created man â€Å"†¦ be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth†. In the New Testament, the gospel of the Acts of the Apostle one finds â€Å"We were to live as a church, the body of the Christ, as the salt of this world, as the light of this world (Jn 20:19-20). A variety of different Christian churches has an impact on the ideology of theology including how many churches on the planet do mission, and also how they try to articulate their theology of missions. This includes how the churches select and supports missionaries, who can be considered a missionary and what these missionaries do to teach3. The most important question here, which actually needs to be answered, is the definition of theology of missions, or what the mission of the church is. The mission can be defined as the body of the Christ, which is manifested in thousands upon thousands of local assemblies of the Disciples of Christ in varying cultures, languages, and traditions. This can be related to two thousand years ago when God started his missionary work and this began at the Garden of Eden. Also, Jesus spoke directly to his followers and then gave them a clear mission

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