
Monday, February 4, 2019

John Steinbeck was born to middle-lower class family in the farming Ess

John Steinbeck was born to middle-lower house family in the farm community of Salinas, California. JohnsSteinbeckImagine your townspeople is suddenly sick with poverty. Your familybusiness goes under because the economy of your local community can nolonger support it. Herds of your closest friends continually move outof the town you grew up in due to a severe shortage of work. The elementary necessities of spiritedness are so scarce that everyone around youreverts to their animalistic urges to survive. Those who you put one overcame to trust, betray you and your family for selfish reasons. Thischaos was typical every day demeanor during the youth of one of Americasgreatest writers, John Steinbeck. The surround that engulfed JohnStein becks early life shaped his literary style to focus on theeconomic hardships of hoidenish labor and spells every day struggles withnatural urges. John Steinbeck was born to middle-lower class family in the farmingcommunity of Salinas, California. Johns father, who was aman of affairs and politician, experienced great difficulty maintaining asuccessful business in their small town. John watched his father failat many endeavors including managing a flour plant and opening a feedand grain cut in as well as the political corruption his father confrontas County Treasurer (Shillinglaw). No matter how much fiscal mishap Johns family faced, his father always kept a jovialdisposition and took the family on frequent trips across California. These small towns and cities John and his family would visit, posterior dod to be the local of his future novels such as East of heaven andThe Red Pony(Fontenrose, 2). John even used his home town of Salinasto serve as the setting for the shor... ...mericans as he did in previous works. In1960, John published The Winter of Discontent which attackedcontemporary American ideals an longed for cautious ideals. Thispiece, which did not achieve the notoriety that Steinbeck hoped for,would be his l ast novel out front his death in 1968(Shillinglaw).Steinbeck witnessed his home town crumble due to financial strain as achild. He felt the effects of the paltry economy as his father bouncedfrom job to job trying to collapse ends meet. In Steinbecks earlyadulthood he worked odd jobs with the poorest of the poor, staying intouch with the injustices these people faced everyday and witnessinghow humans react in times of need. The environment that engulfed JohnStein becks early life shaped his literary style to focus on theeconomic hardships of rural labor and mans every day struggles withnatural urges.

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